Hi there, This morning we’ve been part of the EUROCITIES EDF2016 by organizing the 20Creathon Workshop for the participants from all over Europe. After an interesting presentation about the 20Creathon project we’ve been part of the M.V.P. release of the...
Friday March 11th 15:30 Doors open 16:00 Registration | 48-hour battle official start 16:30 Introduction talks – Techpacks – Information about tracks 18:00 Dinner 19:00 D1: Teams 19:15 Option to see speaker Ray Quintana at the StartupLaunch event 20:00 Thomas...
Did you know, that 1/3 of all the food produced become waste, before it gets to the consumers? For example donuts. Due to the strict specifications of the size, they have to be thrown away. On festivals there are problems...
Hey there, It’s official! The upcoming challenge about Food Waste is coming in a few weeks! Read more: https://www.20creathon.eu/challenges/food-waste-battle/ Sign up will be opened soon!